Dr. Kulkarni, Gaurav Abhay

M.Sc. Gaurav Abhay Kulkarni
Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik (FVST)
Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik (ISUT)
Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik (ISUT)
Universitätsplatz 2,
39106, Magdeburg,
Research topic
Simulation of hot tearing in DC casting
Brief Resume
Born 1989 in India
Academic Background
since 10/2015 | PhD Student, Faculty of Process and System Engineering, Mechanical Process Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany. |
09/2012 - 09/2015 | M. Sc. Computer Aided Conceptions in Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen |
08/2007 - 06/2011 | Bachelor of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, VNT Magpur, India |