Dr. Baer, Oksana

Dr. Oksana Baer
Position after defence | RWTH Aachen |
Position after defence | Politecnico Milano |
24.01.2014 | Defence "Micro scale modeling grain boundary damage under creep conditions" |
06/2010 - 1/2014 | PhD student, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. |
09/2007 - 06/2009 | Master degree in engineering Dynamics of machines |
09/2003 - 07/2007 | Bachelor degree in engineering Theory of elasticity and plasticity |
Research topic
Creep damage evolution under non-proportional loading
Prof. H. Altenbach, Prof. K. Naumenko, Prof. L. Tobiska
Brief Resume
Date of birth: October 17, 1986
Place of Birth: Ukraine