Dr. Han, Ee

Dr. Ee Han
Position after defence | Zentrum für Technomathematik in Bremen |
1.7.2013 | Defence "Exact Riemann solutions to two selected resonant hyperbolic systems" |
07/2009-03/2013 | Candidate PhD, Applied Mathematics, Institute for Analysis and Numerical Mathematics, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany |
09/2006-06/2009 | M.Sc. Computational Mathematics, School of Mathematics Science, Capital Normal University, China |
09/2002-06/2006 | B.Sc., Information and Computatinal Science, School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Northwest Normal Universiy, China |
Research topic
Multi-phase mixture balance laws with phase transition
Prof. G. Warnecke, Prof. E. Tsotsas
Brief Resume
Date of birth: January 14, 1984
Place of birth: China