Dr. Tohidlou, Esmaeil

Dr. Esmaeil Tohidlou
Position after defence | Universety of Sistan and Baluchestan |
27.04.2016 | Defence "The Effect of Strain Hardening on Subgrain Formation in FCC Crystals During Equal Charnnel Angular Pressing |
04/2011 | Associated Ph.D. Student, Institute for Mechanics, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. |
2000-2003 | M.Sc. Materials Engineering-Ceramic Materials and energy research center (Merc), Teheran, Iran Thesis: Effect of Chemical Composition on the Microstructure and the Wear Properties of Fe-TiC omposite |
1996-2000 | B.Sc. Materials Engineering-Industrial metallurgy Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran Thesis: Effect of Cooing Rate on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of ADI |
Prof. A. Bertram
Brief Resume
Born 1976 in Zanjan, Iran